The Gentle Curiosity of Sonya Naumann, Conceptual Artist & Photographer
Sonya Naumann is a visual artist, photographer, professor, smartie pants and sweetie pie. The first time I met her she told me it's "Sonya, like lasagna". Still is.
Sonya Naumann is a visual artist, photographer, professor, smartie pants and sweetie pie. The first time I met her she told me it's "Sonya, like lasagna". Still is.
Explore Sonya's work at her website and follow her on Instagram. She recommends Dylan's Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie and advises me to dive deep with her pal Laurel Snyder.
Dig our explorations of working lives? Please show your support at Patreon.
Listen to the songs I composed and recorded about my guest on Season 7.
Get in touch on Insta, Twitter, Facebook, or at podcastforaliving [at] gmail.
Please hit that follow button and share the pod with your people.
As always, special thanks to Liv Hunt for logo design, Rotem Fisher for mastering audio, and Brian Trahan for music production and engineering.
Our theme song is Nile's Blues by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under Creative Commons by an Attribution 4.0 License.
Be kind and stay healthy. Thank you for listening.
★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
Explore Sonya's work at her website and follow her on Instagram. She recommends Dylan's Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie and advises me to dive deep with her pal Laurel Snyder.
Dig our explorations of working lives? Please show your support at Patreon.
Listen to the songs I composed and recorded about my guest on Season 7.
Get in touch on Insta, Twitter, Facebook, or at podcastforaliving [at] gmail.
Please hit that follow button and share the pod with your people.
As always, special thanks to Liv Hunt for logo design, Rotem Fisher for mastering audio, and Brian Trahan for music production and engineering.
Our theme song is Nile's Blues by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under Creative Commons by an Attribution 4.0 License.
Be kind and stay healthy. Thank you for listening.